Język angielski
Angielski zaawansowany – lekcja 22
Strona biernaStrona czynnaStrona
Simple PresentI study it.It is studied.
Present ContinuousI am studyingit It is being studied
Past SimpleI studied itIt was studied
Past SimpleI studiedit It was studied
Past ContinuousI was studying itIt was being studied
Present PerfectI have studied itIt has been studied
Past PerfectI had studiedit It had been studied
Past Perfect ContinuousI had been studying itIt had been studied
Future SimpleI will study itIt will be studied
Future ContinuousI will be studying itIt will be studied
Future PerfectI will have studied itIt will been studied
Future Perfect ContinuousI will have been studying it It will have been studied
Future in the PastI would study itIt would be studied
Future in the Past ContinuousI would be studying itIt would be studied
must, can may, shouldI must study it It must be studied
have toI have to studied itIt has to be studied
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